SAP PP Interview Questions

SAP PP Interview Questions 2021 Igrowsoft

13 min readApr 7, 2020

Q.In SAP which is the highest organizational level?

Answer: The highest organizational level in SAP is Client.

Q.In Level code 0001/0002 etc can the MRP be carried out for one particular level?

Answer: Yes, in level code 0001/0002 MRP can be carried out for one particular level.

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Q.For SAP PP module what are the cutover activities followed?

Answer: The following are some of the cut over activities that are to be followed for PP Discrete Manufacturing: Production Planning/ Master Data: In PP only master data shall be migrated to SAP; there is no master data in the first stage. The elements that are related to PP in the master data are Bill of Materials, Routing and Work Centres. Transaction Data: As per the cut off date, ideally there should not be any work in process, all the open production orders should be closed and semi finished goods would be dismantled and should be added to Raw materials. This strategy should be followed for all production order where lead time to complete the production order is not large. Since, the production orders are for longer duration and it is not possible to dismantle the product and add it to inventory, following can be the strategy to migrate the data to SAP It create a material master for the work in process and set the standard price as the cost incurred for that product (Work in process), create a bill of material, which will be used only for this production order including this material and other materials still to be consumed. It creates Routing for rest of the production process. Bring the work in process material into inventory as of the cut off date. It creates the production orders in SAP for the Work in process and issue materials to production order.

Q.Which is the highest organizational level for Material Master Record PP Data?

Answer: The highest Organizational level for Material Master Record PP Data is Plant.

Q.What would be the result to plan after it has been converted into production order?

Answer: When the Planned order is converted to Production order the planned order are offset by production order, with reference of planned order can be seen in the production order.

Q.What are the requirements for PIR, Sales Order, and Customer Requirement are reduced after they are produced?

Answer: After the Delivery is made to the Particular Order in case of strategy 11, the PIR are consumed after the GR for Production Order are the requirements which are reduced automatically.

Q.What is the difference between F1 Help and F4 Help?

Answer: F1 Help is used for field help and whereas F4 is used for possible entries.

Q.Is it possible to attach a drawing for a material to BOM and what is the process?

Answer: Yes, it’s possible to attach a drawing for a material to BOM and coming to the process create a document using Transaction Code CV01N Create Document and attach the drawing in that document. Then the system will automatically generate a document number and then assign this document in the BOM with item category D.

Q.Is it possible to assign one material to more than one operation in a routing?

Answer: No, one material from a BOM cannot be assigned to different operations, but it can be done by defining the material for so many times as required in the BOM.

Q.Where is the Variant Configuration typically used?

Answer: The Variant Configuration is typically used at Make-to-Stock Environment.

Q.What is the procedure to insert an inspection checkpoint at the end of an operation?

Answer: The procedure to insert an inspection is by defining it in the process sample, assign inspection type 03 in the Material Master then create MIC and assign them in the Routings. Then the system automatically generates the Inspection Lots.

Q.What is used to generate reports in SAP for a list of material requirements from LTP?

Answer: To generate the reports for the list of material required for LTP is by using MS70 and then use MCEC.

Q.What is the parameter used to specify the teardown time in one operation?

Answer:The teardown time in one operation can be defined by one of the Standard Parameter.

Q.How to get planned orders scheduled for scheduling planned order for capacity leveling?

Answer:The planned orders scheduled for scheduling planned order while running MRP, by selecting 2 in the scheduling box this will bring planned orders into CM01 and CM02.

Q.When both labor, Machine categories exist how does process time is calculated in WC?

Answer:When both labor, Machine categories exist scheduling is done based on the Capacity Category it is defined at Work center.

Q.General Data that contains in Basic Data Screen are?

Answer:General data that contains in basic data screen are Material Number, Material Description and Base Unit of Measure.

Q.How to navigate for creating object dependencies in a BOM for configurable materials?

Answer:Navigation for creating object dependencies in a BOM is for configurable materials is Go to Extras>Object Dependency>Assign.

Q.Explain me why work scheduling view is required for semi finished and finished products?

Answer:Work Schedule view is required for semi finished and finished products because all the details are mentioned in MRP views and they are also available for production for scheduler and production scheduler profile in this view, if not maintained conversion of planned order to production will not be possible for more at SAP PP online training India.

Q.Which transaction code is used for creating material master?

Answer: MM01 is the transaction code for creating material master.

Q.What is the procedure when a program is run for capacity planning Transaction code CM01 and where the plan orders are not included in the pegged requirements, even checked the profile and the check box for order and plan order are all activated?

Answer:When the planned orders have been created without capacity requirement indicator in MRP “2” lead time scheduling, in such case they would be converted to process orders they will have impact on the resource. If the planned orders, re-run the MRP or change in every planned order, going to the menu and edit the Scheduling. Another possibility is to do with routing/work centers used and whether it is actually calculates consumption of capacity of the category at the work center being displayed in CM 01, it may consume a capacity pool or it may not consume the category.

Q.What is Batch?

Answer:The partial quantity of material managed separately from other quantity of same material in stock is called Batch.

Q.How to delete a group of products that are created in Screen MC84 and group of products?

Answer:The product group is created as a material master record with material type PROD and this record is deleted in SARA and the members deleted in the product group and then archive the product group in transaction SARA. Object MM_MATNR.

Q.Which component in BOM is allocated to operation?

Answer:Routing is the component in BOM which is allocated to operation.

Q.What is the procedure for MPS in Back ground online when it was run for a plant either ways?

Answer:MPS in Back ground online was run for a plant in either ways it would run MPS for a single material/plant, if it does not work it need to run a planning file and a consistency check first, transaction OMDO and MDRE respectively it require to set up two jobs to do it but it is straight forward, once it was done this set up the back ground job MPS to run and do it in NEUPL first time round and then change to NETCH after that.

Q.In which unit the stock keeping is done in a company?

Answer:The Stock keeping in a company is done at Base unit of measure.

Q.What is the output of MPS run?

Answer:MPS is run to plan the materials which are of ‘A’ type in the abc analysis (80% dollar value) that have to be planned before. MPS is also a type of MRP only in which components just below the materials on which MPS run is taken place, are planned.

Q.Where BOM does always created?

Answer:BOM is always created at Single Level.

Q.List some components of BOM?

Answer:Components of BOM are List of Components, Quantity of Components and Unit of Measure of Components.

Q.How does SAP know that an operation has components as indicated by the component allocation indicator?

Answer:Component allocation is done by routing maintenance or BOM maintenance for the assembly. This is master data maintenance. As soon as a PO is created, the master data is read into the PO.

Q.In which table the planning values are maintained in MC93 transaction?

Answer:The planning values that are maintained by using transaction code MC95 to display the entries and the table are S076.

Q.Can MRP be carried out for one particular level of a bom ( Level code : 0001/0002 etc).

Answer: Yes it can be done by running for specific materials (Single Material Single Level)

Q.How Requirements ( PIR,Sles Order, Customer Requirement) are reduced after they are produced?

Answer: Requirements are reduced automatically after Delivery is made to the Particular Order (In case of Strategy 11, the PIRs are consumed after the GR for Production Order)

Q.Can’t one material be assigned to more than one operation in a routing?

Answer:One material from a BOM CANNOT be assigned to different Operations. It can be done by defining the material for so many times as required in the BOM

Q.How to insert an inspection checkpoint at the end of an operation?

Answer: If in process sample is to be defined, assign inspection type 03 in the Material Master. Then create MICs and assign them in the Routings. System automatically generates the Inspection Lots

Q.Where we have to specify the teardown time in one operation?

Answer: Teardown time can be defined as one of the Standard Parameters…

Q.How the process time is calculated in a WC when both labour, Machine categories exist?

Answer:Scheduling is done based on the Capacity Category we define in the Workcenter

Q.What are Traffic Lights in MRP?

Answer:red = the stock is not available yellow — the stock is in average level stock green = the stock is available

Q.What is MRP List and what is the use of it?

Answer:Definition of the MRP List The system creates MRP lists during the planning run according to how you set the creation indicator. These lists contain the planning result for the material. The MRP list always displays the stock/requirements situation at the time of the last planning run and it also provides a work basis for the MRP controller. Changes that are made after the planning date are not taken into consideration, so the list is static. MRP lists are stored in the system until they are either deleted manually or replaced by new lists from a subsequent planning run.

Q.What is the use of Stock Requirement List?

Answer:In the stock/requirements list, the most up-to-date stock and requirements situation is displayed. The main difference between the MRP list and the stock/requirements list is that each time the stock/requirements list is called up, the system selects the various MRP elements and displays the most up-to-date situation. You thus always see the current availability situation of the material in the stock/requirements list. Changes that are made after the planning date are displayed directly, so the list is therefore dynamic. Stock/requirements lists are not saved in a fixed state in the system, but are subject to change and only exist in the working memory. Comparison The screen layout of both lists is basically the same. The system automatically runs the rescheduling check directly when both lists are created and puts forward rescheduling proposals. The number of exception messages displayed in each list is roughly the same. The only difference lies in the fact that, due to the nature of the list, no exception messages can occur for newly planned MRP elements in the stock/requirements list. Directly after the planning run, both lists contain the same information. As soon as a change relevant to MRP is made, the system updates the information in the stock/requirements list. As stock/requirements lists are subject to change, they cannot be set with a processing indicator.

Q.What is MRP controller Means?

Answer:The MRP controller is a person or a group of persons responsible for monitoring material availability. You can use the number entered here, for example, to select the planning results per MRP conroller. Every material that is relevant to the planning run must be assigned an MRP controller number in the material master record. You can also determine a special person for backorder processing who receives a mail if a goods receipt was posted for a missing part. You must enter the mail name of this person in the field entitled, recipient name. In addition, you can define a person or a group of persons, who are to informed if you send a mail from the MRP list or stock/requirements list to the MRP controller for the material displayed. Actions

Q.What is MRP group and what is the use of it?

Answer:MRP Groups In this step, you can carry out the total maintenance of the MRP groups and you can allocate a material type to an MRP group. The MRP group is an organizational object that can be used to allocate special control parameters for planning to a group of materials. You can maintain MRP groups if planning control per plant is not precise enough for your requirements and you want to allocate certain material groups different control parameters from the plant parameters. For this purpose, MRP groups are defined with these specific control parameters and are assigned to the material in the material master record (MRP 1 screen). For example, the following control parameters can be set for the total planning run: the creation indicator for the plarequisitions, MRP lists, and so on) the planning horizon the consumption mode The following is valid for total planning and single-item planning: for all materials without an MRP group, the system uses the plant parameters, or the entries in the initial screen of the planning run for all materials with an MRP group, the system uses the parameters recorded in the MRP groupnning run (creation of purchase

Q.What is Purpose of Schedule Margin Key?

Answer:In this step, you specify the floats for determining the basic dates of the planned orders. The floats are allocated to the material via the release period key in the material master record. Opening period The opening period represents the number of workdays that are subtracted from the order start date in order to determine the order creation date. This time is used by the MRP controller as a float for converting planned orders into purchase requisitions or into production orders. Float before production The float before production represents the number of workdays that are planned as a float between the order start date (planned start date) and the production start date (target start date). On the one hand, this float is intended to guarantee that delays in staging a material do not delay the production start. On the other hand, the production dates can be brought forward by means of the float to cope with capacity bottlenecks. Float after production The float after production should provide a float for the production process to cope with any disruptions so that there is no danger that the planned finish date will be exceeded. You plan the float after production between order finish date (planned finish date) and scheduled end (target finish date). Release period The release period represents the number of workdays that are subtracted from the order start date in order to determine the production order release. The release period is only relevant for production order management.

Q.What is opening period?

Answer: The opening period represents the number of workdays that are subtracted from the order start date in order to determine the order creation date. This time is used by the MRP controller as a float for converting planned orders into purchase requisitions or into production orders.

Q.What is SLA ? Service Level Agreements

Answer: Service Level Agreements (SLA) define the attributes for service products (for example, maintenance, Hotline) that have been agreed upon with the customer in service contracts. The SLA confirms different parameters, such as response time, availability time and system availability.

Q.What are Basic Dates?

Answer: Earliest date for the execution of the production order. This date takes into account the float before production. If, on order creation, a planned order exists for the production order or process order, then the order dates are taken from the planned order. When scheduling the production order the system tries to adhere to the order dates (if necessary, with reduction measures). If it is not possible to adhere to the basic dates and if the control parameter in Customizing allows the basic dates to be adjusted, the system adjusts the basic dates of the order during the scheduling run. If the control parameter in Customizing does not allow the basic dates to be adjusted, the order keeps the basic dates of the planned order. If the production order is created manually, you must enter at least one order date manually. The scheduling type determines, which order dates you must enter.

Q.What is planning time fence?

Answer: The planning time fence specifies a period within which no automatic changes are to be made to the master plan. The planning time fence is maintained in workdays.

Q.What is Planning Horizon?

Answer: In this step, you define the planning horizon. This planning horizon specifies the period for the “Net change planning in the planning horizon”. In this kind of net change planning, only those materials that have undergone a change that is relevant to MRP within the planning horizon are included in the planning run. Such materials receive a net change planning indicator in the planning file. You make this specification for a plant. You can define an alternative planning horizon for MRP groups

Q.What is costing? How it is affected the PP?

Answer: Determining the material costs of a product. When you calculate production costs using a quantity structure, the system automatically determines the BOM and all the BOM items that are relevant to costing, in order to calculate manufacturing costs.

Q.What is Meaning of Customized Reports?

Answer: The report which is not using SAP standard reports.

Q.In Project the Customization is comes under Which Phase?

Answer: Realization.

Q.How you get the Ticket?

Answer: After release order,the reservation will provide the ticke to pick production material.

Q.What are GAPS? Some Examples?

Answer: The GAPS are some issue in blue print that SAP cannot capture or prividing the client bussiness process.

Q.What is LSMW?

Answer: The LSM Workbench is an SAP System tool that supports you when copying data from non-SAP. systems.

Q.After Doing Realization How we will check whether it is working or not?

Answer: Doing Final preparation to check using the test case from user.

Q.What do we do in Realization Phase?

Answer: Provide ARICEF, Configuration Documents, integration test, BPP, UAT, Unit Test and implements some SAP notes.

Q.How to Move to the Realization Phase?

Answer: You must have some blueprints to go in next phase.

Q.In LSMW which is most important Step?

Answer: Maintain Object Attributes Maintain Source Structures Maintain Source Fields Maintain Structure Relations Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User-Defined Routines. contact for more information on SAP PP Online Training



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