SAP SuccessFactors Interview Questions

4 min readOct 5, 2021


Today’s organizations are in need of flexible and extensible HR solutions to implement the full potentials of the employed workforce. SAP Success Factors online training is an SAP company situated in San Francisco, delivers cloud-based Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions by implementing the Software as a Service (SaaS) model. SAP Success Factors leverage business processes by aligning business strategy with performance. The HCM suite composed of SAP Success Factors unifies social business, on boarding, and collaboration tools, Learning Management System (LMS), recruiting software, applicant tracking application, performance, and talent management. Overall SAP SuccessFactors offers coherent business solutions that can effectively address a number of challenges faced by organizations.

1. How do you integrate Employee Central with other SuccessFactors Products?
Employee Central integrates internal with other SuccessFactors products through HRIS Sync.

2. How do you integrate Employee Central externally with other products?
There is a cloud-based integration platform available for external integration.

3. What does the Succession Data Model contain?
The Employee Records are contained in the Succession Data Model. The succession data mode configures the fields that will appear in the Employee’s Personal Information (outside of work) Employment Information (inside of work).

4. What is configured in the Country -Specific Succession Data Model?
Address formats, country-specific fields, and international standards are set in the country-specific succession data model.

5. What does the Corporate Data Model define?
Foundation Objects and their relationships are defined in the corporate data Model. Foundation Objects are also called Foundation Tables. They include Organization, Job, and Pay.

6. What is defined in the Country -Specific Corporate Data Model?
Here foundation object fields for a separate country are defined.

7. What is the propagation data model used for?
HRIS Propagation Data Model is used for the Auto Population from Foundation Tables

8. What other two data models are used?
Data Model Workflow Rules Data Model, Event and Event Derivation Rules Data Model

9. How many data models are there in Employee Central?
There are 7 data models in Employee Central

10. How do you masked sensible data in a field?
Set the attribute pii=”true”

11. How do you set a field so the user can edit it?
Set the attribute visible=”both”

12. How do you make a field be required to be filled?
Set the attribute required=”true”

13. What is a DTD?
Document Type Definition of the data model
My vision is to build a truly integrated HR in the cloud. A truly integrated HR is the key enabler for organizations to maximize their business outcomes.

14. Why are they called ‘Success Factors’?
Because they are behaviors that lead to successful performance in the job.

15. Why are there three levels within the framework?
They describe a range of different types of behavior that are relevant to a range of different job roles. However, the levels are not hierarchical.

16. Are the levels linked to job grades?
No. Just because someone is on a certain job grade, it doesn’t rule out any of the levels. However, if a job is more senior you would expect to see more of the university-level behaviors.

17. Are they going to apply to academic staff as well?
There is a similar framework for Strategic Leaders Framework and one for researchers which have been based on Success Factors online training in hyderabad. The idea going forward is to have something similar for all staff groups in the university.

18. Will Success Factors be used to ‘get rid’ of people?
That is not why they have been developed. They are used to develop individuals. However, if the behavior(s) are essential to the job and there continues to be no development then it could become a performance issue.

19. What if the employee doesn’t agree with the Success Factors that their manager has chosen?
The manager uses the job analysis information to determine the Success Factor for the role in conjunction with discussions with the individual. However, it is ultimately the manager’s decision.

20. Once a Success Factor has been chosen for a role can it be changed?
Yes; it depends on the requirements/needs of the role at any point. It is fluid and therefore may change year to year.

21. If a Success Factor is changed during the year how do you know what you will be reviewed against at the next PDR?
Through dialogue/communication between the manager and the individual. The change can also be flagged on the PDR form.

22. Do you have to choose the same level (e.g. self) for all the Success Factors identified?
No. However, it may be that they tend towards one level.

23. If Success Factors are important — how do you pick the right ones?
Use the job analysis information and advice from your HRO and other managers with the same roles to determine the 3–5 core success factors. It will become easier with practice.

24. What if the Success Factor for a role is what the job requires as a technical output e.g. communicating for a careers adviser?
There may be a ‘technical’ requirement to do that but success factors are about ‘how’ the job is done / the behaviors required in carrying out their job.

25. If an individual achieves all the Success Factors does that mean they will get promoted/get more pay?
Not directly. Obviously, the more successful the individual is in their role / can demonstrate effective job performance / demonstrates additional behaviors, then this can be used as evidence in any job application or pay review case for more best sap successfactors training in hyderabad.



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