Top SAP SD Interview Questions

6 min readApr 26, 2022


latest updated sap sd interview questions

Q.What Stands for SPRO?

Answer: SPRO stands for SAP Project Reference Object SPRO is used to configure the SAP System as per client’s requirement. IMG (Implementation Management Guide) menu which you will find customization settings for all SAP modules, will be shown after executing SPRO transaction.

Q.What is Functional Specs?

Answer: Functional specification is a comprehensive document which describes the desired functionality. It contains technical information and data. It describes the scope, current functionality and desired functionality of a function/transaction]

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Q.What is me Variant Configuration? What are the type of questions we can expect in that ?

Answer: Variant configuration is used where you have a configurable material like computer (made up of components like processor, monitor, keyboard, mouse etc). These components are called as characteristics in variant config. Again this will be having values like processor can be either P4 or P3, monitor can be 15" or 17" etc. Based on the values selected the variant pricing will happen using the condition type VA00.

Q.SAP SD Customer Groups Sales Distribution Module OVS9?

Answer: SAP’s Sales and Distribution module is quite comprehensive and contains various features for analysis. One such feature within SAP SD is the creation of Customer Groups. Simply speaking, customer groups are part of the customer master data in SAP IMG. Customers are assigned to a particular customer group by assigning a two digit alphanumeric key. Such customer group key needs to be assigned to each and every customer master records. The main benefit of customer groups is that it can be used in generating statistics and creating condition records such as records for pricing. One example which I can give is suppose you create two sets of customer groups, say Customer group A1 for domestic sales and Customer group A2 for international sales. You can choose to give discount to customer group A1 which are customers in the domestic market by creating a pricing condition for group A1. Customer groups can be created in SAP SD user the following menu path: IMG >> Sales & Distribution >> Master Data >> Business Partners >> Customers >> Sales >> Define Customer Groups Alternatively, one can use the transaction code OVS9. One needs to simply define a two digit alphanumeric customer group key. Once defined, the same can be assigned to a customer master record using the transaction code VD02. Such custoomer master key can be made mandatory for all customer master records.

Q.Tel about the Order to Cash Cycle ?

Answer: A customer orders some items from your company by creating a sales order (Tcodes: VA01, VA02, VA03, Tables: VBAK, VBAP etc). Your company decides to deliver the items ordered by the customer. This is recorded by creating a outbound delivery document (TCodes:VL01N, VL02N, VL03N, Tables: LIKP, LIPS etc). Once the items are available for sending to the customer, you post goods issue which reduces your inventory and puts the delivery in transit. This will create a material document. You will post goods issue using VL02N but the material document created will be stored in tables MKPF, MSEG. You will then create shipment document to actually ship the items. (Tcodes: VT01N, VT02N, VT03N, Tables: VTTK, VTTP etc). You finally create a sales billing document. (TCodes: VF01, VF02, VF03, Tables: VBRK, VBRP etc). This will have a corresponding accounting document created that will be in BKPF, BSEG tables. When customer pays to your invoice, it will directly hit your Account Receivables account in FI. You will have to remember that these are not a required sequence. Some times, you may configure your system to create a SD invoice as soon as you create a sales order or you may not create a shipping document at all. This is the position where Functional Consultant would come into picture and study the company’s order to cash process and configure the SAP system to do so.

Q.Explain how we will configure milestone billing , periodic billing and which scenario we will use?

Answer: Menu path: IMG->sales & distribution->Billing->billing plans->define billing plan types. You set the start date and end dates if applicable to the type of billing you are using. What time to be billed (end of month, start of month etc..) Milestone is a billing plan type where a customer is billed for the amount distributed between the dates until total value is reached eg: if the total billing amount is 1000 USD for a year. You will bill the customer in different amounts say 200, 500, 300 at different intervals as per customer agreement. On the other hand Periodic billing is billing the customer for the total amount(here 1000 USD) at regular intervals periodically until the customer agreement is reached. eg: 1000/12 for a 1 year agreement and say billed at the 1st day of every month

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Explanation for Billing Plan for Milestone Billing Milestone billing means distributing the total amount to be billed over multiple billing dates in the billing plan. As each milestone is successfully reached, the customer is billed either a percentage of the entire project cost or simply a pre-defined amount. During sales order processing, the system determines from the item category whether a billing plan is required and, if so, which type of plan ,The type of billing plan that is determined at this point is set up in Customizing and cannot be changed in the sales document. Billing plans for periodic billing and milestone billing plans for project-related milestone billing have different overview screens so that you can enter data relevant to your processing. .

Q. why to Search for a transaction code ?

Answer: If you’re not sure what a transaction code is, or you know the transaction code but can’t find it in the menu, use this transaction: Type in the transaction code, or part of the name e.g. sales order. Any transaction name with that text in it will be shown, along with the menu path

Q.How many clients we will create in land scape (like in development server, quality server, production server ) if we are creating more than one in each server what is exact use of that client ?

Answer: Client landscape : Basic layout : dev -testing- production also — Sandbox server . for trial and error — Development server for actually creating transports(CTS) — Global server. If you have global implementations at different client locations (eg; canada, US, UK) (for testing purposes with actual master data as well) — Testing server.(for regression testing purposes before moving to prodcution, integration etc..) — Production server is the actual production system The clients could be variable and could be created to a specific server . usually a developed. where abap, functional would mess around. say : client 100-functinal consultants ,client 300- abapers ,client 400- other users(like super etc)

Q.What is the Definition of Transaction?

Answer: A transaction in SAP is like a program in normal computer languages, and is identified by a four-character transaction code. A transaction can be initiated directly from the command field on the presentation interface or from the corresponding menu option. There are two kinds of transactions: report and dialog transactions. Report transactions are SAP programs that collect selection parameters from the selection screen followed by the output called the lists. Dialog programs consist of more than one interactive screen called a dynpro. These transactions sometimes also need pre selected information for triggering them, not unlike the explicit selection screens in report programs; these are called parameter transactions.

Q.What are the responsibilities of “CORE TEAM” and “FUNCTIONAL TEAM” in an implementation?

Answer: Core Team are the power users who are selected for the SAP implementation. The Functional Team gather the initial implementation requirement from these core team users who will be the bridge between the SAP Functional Team and their department users with the expert work knowledge.

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